Techfem supports Innoweek, the innovation week taking place in Calabria.

The second edition of the week entirely dedicated to innovation, promoted by the Reboot Association in collaboration with Confindustria Reggio Calabria and the AISCRIS association, is underway in Girifalco (CZ).

We participated in the day dedicated to research by talking about Sector Coupling and the production of GreenFuels in CO2 valorization processes through Green Hydrogen.

See you on Sunday, July 14th at 6:00 PM, where we will discuss the application of artificial intelligence in Engineering through the presentation of our machine learning suite, supporting the Construction Management on site.

#innoweek #techfem #innovation #ArtificialIntelligence

  • 11.07.2024
  • |
  • 9.30
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