Techfem Mobility Time 2024

Techfem Mobility Time 2024

On the occasion of the European Mobility Week, we are organizing the third edition of #TECHFEMMOBILITYTIME , an event that highlights Sustainable Mobility and Innovation 🌐

📅 SEPTEMBER 19-20, 2024 A packed program, featuring talks, exhibitors, and many activities:

📌 TECHFEM MOBILITY DAY | September 19 | 10:00 AM

📍 Cinema Masetti, Fano A meeting with the schools of Fano to raise students’ awareness on the topic of #RoadSafety

📌 TECHFEM MOBILITY VILLAGE | September 19 | From 4:00 PM

📍 Piazza degli Avveduti, Fano

We will transform Piazza degli Avveduti, currently used as a parking lot, into a shared and welcoming space to discuss #SustainableMobility and #SmartCity

📌 TECHFEM MOBILITY TALK | September 19 | From 4:15 PM

📍 Piazza degli Avveduti, Fano

📌 TECHFEM GO TO SCHOOL | September 20 | From 7:30 AM 📍 Poderino District – Nuti School

An initiative for students who will travel to Nuti School using sustainable means of transport

📌 TECHFEM BIKE TO WORK | September 20 | From 8:15 AM 📍 Arco d’Augusto – Pincio di Fano

Once again this year, it will be possible to reach Techfem by bike from the center of Fano

📌 TECHFEM PARKING DAY | September 20 | From 4:00 PM 📍 Fano Center parking area

We will reconvert a public space for alternative use with community activities.

More details in upcoming news!

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