New Urban Forest in Fano

New Urban Forest in Fano

On July 20th we took part in the inauguration of the Urban Forest in Fano.

In the area near Fano airport, around 5000 plants of different native tree and shrub species have been planted, coming from italian nurseries and equipped with a phytosanitary passport.

Techfem supported the project of Arbolia, Snam‘s benefit company, created to develop new green areas in Italy.

Over the years, the new Urban Forest will absorb almost 700 tons of CO2 and over 500 kg of PM10per year.

In addition to concrete support, our company took care of the design and construction management coordinated by Ing. Francesco Vitali and his techfem team.

Afforestation, in addition to improving the faunal and floral biodiversity of our territory, will make a concrete contribution to the fight against climate change, and represents an extraordinary driving force for future environmental and social enhancement interventions of the entire area.

Here’s the press review about the event

  • 27.07.2023
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  • 9.07
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