
The evolution of our governance accelerates with our 2024-2026 strategic plan

A report for

Our path towards a future in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the European 2030 agenda.

A sustainable Governance

We work to ensure that corporate governance is increasingly adequate and effective. We pay particular attention to internal control systems (economic – financial indices) and risk management (health and safety, cybersecurity).

Ours is a corporate strategy permeated by the concepts of Sustainability, which sets concrete initiatives, KPI scorecards and targets aimed at guaranteeing longterm competitiveness by aiming to create a new business model.

The stability of our company is the result of a long history that speaks of ethics, integrity and responsible administration. Our objectives are to ensure business continuity and create medium-long term value.



Our sustainability report

«In 1984 two young engineers with experience in the energy sector decided to found a new dynamic professional reality, based on talent, responsibility, professionalism, collaboration and the ambition of wanting to face challenges that are always beyond their abilities, transforming them into successes and therefore capitalizing their growth.

This ethical approach and healthy development of skills helps to create a company philosophy that leads Techfem, through its evolutionary history, to deal not only with the business world, but also with the environment, social component, territory, governance capacity, with the awareness that the sustainability of these elements is the foundation for the continuity and continuous evolution of the company.

The new generations also demand sustainability in industrial activities, Techfem is ready to transform its business model in accordance with the requirements of ESG sustainability and wants to play a leading role in building the energy future of our country.»

Federico Ferrini, CEO & Managing Director

Ethical code

The Code of Ethics, although drafted separately constitutes an integral and substantial part as well as a prerequisite of the 231 Model adopted by Techfem.
The Code of Ethics intends to substantially decline, and not only in principle, the values, commitments and responsibilities with which they are required to comply and called to observe all those who directly and/or indirectly operate and interact in the conduct of business and in the various business activities. This Code of Ethics, albeit with different purposes, represents the natural evolution of the "Ethical and Integrity Pact" that TECHFEM signed from time to time with companies operating as business partners in the performance of individual orders.
The founding principles and values ​​of the Code of Ethics are:

  • Compliance with the law
  • Respect for the person

  • Respect for the environment
  • Respect for occupational health and safety
  • Honesty and loyalty
  • Protection of workers’ rights
  • Enhancement of human resources and individual professionals
  • Protection of privacy and confidentiality of information

Recipients of the Code of Ethics, and therefore committed to observing the principles contained therein, must be understood as all subjects who in various capacities and in the various roles operate and/or interact with and for the company and specifically:
  • The partners;
  • directors;
  • executives and/or managers;

  • employees;
  • collaborators in various capacities;
  • customers and suppliers.

Download Ethical code

TECHFEM S.p.A., in order to strengthen the transparency and correctness that have always characterized its business, in an increasingly complex and articulated market context and in consideration of the significant corporate development recorded in recent years, has come to the convinced determination to acquire a Organizational, Management and Control Model (M.O.G.) in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. No. 231/2001.
This initiative was taken in the belief that the adoption of the M.O.G. can constitute a valid tool of awareness towards all those who will be able in the name and on behalf of the company, so that they follow, in the performance of their activities, correct and linear, such as to prevent the risk of committing the crimes contemplated in the legislative decree. lgs. N. 231/2001, subsequent amendments and additions.
The above with the awareness that the adoption of the Model increasingly strengthens a corporate culture that has always been based on virtuous values ​​and capable of bringing TECHFEM S.p.a. to face future challenges with ever greater efficiency and professionalism, making safety and legality essential principles of its business.

Have you become aware of any violations or irregularities that could cause damage to our company? Submit your report

Gender Equality Policy UNI PdR-125

Gender Equality Management System

Techfem, always committed to the enhancement of its people, has initiated a path to disseminate the culture of gender equality within its organization through the implementation of a Gender Equality Management System in accordance with UNI/PdR 125:2022.

The Gender Equality Policy which derives from our Ethical Code, defines the principles, objectives, and guidelines that ensure the organization's commitment to gender equality issues, diversity enhancement, and female empowerment.

The document outlines objectives in the six thematic areas of UNI/PdR 125:2022:

- Culture and strategy
- Governance
- HR processes
- Opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company
- Gender pay equity
- Protection of parenthood and work-life balance
This document is pivotal in ensuring an inclusive work environment that is open to listening to everyone, promoting behavior and language that is appropriate and respe

Download our Gender Equality Policy
Our Goals rely on the strong integrity's principles that guide us. Find out more about Techfem governance